Tuesday, March 4, 2025

who am i continued

May 27, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

sorry have a very hard time with this computor in getting email out my first job was working with father on the farm we milked pretty much 20 head the year around by hand and for the most part he and i and some by mother separated the milk and sold the cream for extras i was by new age about 7 in starting everthing come from the garden we ate and all breads an such home made for the most part of that life no utilities never a tv and sometime a radio if i could keep it running lol never any help on anything of that nature because for the most part i was resented for being in the home then after a few years they took the farm and he totaly give up and went to work at construction and weekends an off times from school we worked the fields as a team he and i as we barely made it between the two of us in high i made my first big job at the local genral mercantile as an egg candler i visited with the owner of a morning after taking dad to work then mother who worked at the school lunch room and i liked my soda pop and candy so i would do little things to help around an could get one or the other or sometimes both well then a big break came how would i like a regular job a job which was time consuming for him an i wanted to learn match made for sometime i earned my breakfast one soda pop and two candy bars or vis versa i was on my way second job offer came as a junior in high school my english teacher a retired coledge teacher an a ole maid who also had been into to drama an told of some of her prized student she liked like charlten hestant peter graves and his bro james arness and jake the fat man of course jake was known to me by another name sorry for the spelling and grammer hazards of a photographic memory forced on me in 3rd grade for better grades then average well it seems i had talent she wanted to develope which at that time i wanted was an actor but dad said no to the idea as it was not a mans job get real work anyway she had saved her whole life for that one star she wanted to pay for everthing to coledge an tutor for the rest of her life to make her one shining star this at the new age of 15 at 16 i enter the service high school drop out with two credits away from being done but i could finsh in the service lie number 1 no jobs in there for the uneducated except targets spent most of my time in germany studied there culture and visited on time off an learned a lot one saying they use to kid me about americans living in the lap of luxery an straving to death lol enough background now i will run you briefly through a few jobs and there was many

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