Thursday, March 6, 2025

trying to understand

August 2, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

After the first meeting, I have being trying to find my FNE, Thinking of lots of ways to be of value to mankind.I taught of writting a book which I did the first six pages and since I love physicial fitness I taught that it would be of value if it was about staying fit. Also to open up my very own gym to help people who find it hard to loose weight. from what i have learn from miss Annerbell secrit I have a pretty good idea on how it would work. My problem with it is finance with no money to spear I am at a stand still. this is something that i am well motivated to do. I was wondering if you can help me, first is this my friday night esscent? Is this something I should persue? I have been thinking alot about how to step into neothink as you can see i am having a tough time doing so. The ten second mirricle is something I understand and how it works from the post meeting i know it will take me some time to get there. I have started looking at my job to find the esscents of it. I have even ask my Director for his weekly planner and after two to three weeks he finally gave it to me. well here is where i am at. I wiss there was some way for you the really help me in idendifing which way for me to take as all my idea are costly.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “trying to understand”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    hi Myron

    remeber to set up yourown mini day planner and not your director your will be completly differant from his just as mine will be differant from both of yours. the mini day planner is your unique key to getting evrythig done in your life if set up right this will lead to power thinking and will really unlock doors for you. as far a finiances remeber bill gates was pennieless for years be fore he bacame rich, and if you continue to push forwad i’m conifident that you will be another bill Gates, but i am really glad that you have found your friday night essesnce, if you have any further question please feel free to contact me at

    You have a Beautiful Day

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