Friday, March 14, 2025

thoughts today- 2 weeks into 2nd level

January 26, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

My thoughts today:
America- by the people, for the people? Aren’t we in charge? Don’t they work for us? Thomas Jefferson once spoke of the danger of forgetting who is in charge. If we dont like the system, cant we change it? If we dont like the president or the candidates, cant we change them? I remember the 80’s movie, Brewsters Millions with Richard Pryor- vote for “none of the above”
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Removing all the layers of biases, prejudices, party affiliations and emotions and getting to the true essence and root of it all- what is a president and vice president- what is the job, what does it entail, what do we need and what needs to change? Who would have the courage and capability to successfully do those jobs and make those changes? If none of those thrust before us can, cant we then say no? It feels like Socialism disguised as freedom to me. Level the playing field? Thats what the current president said. So we have to choose between him and his socialistic ideals, or them and thiers. Why? Can’t we vote for none of the above? Cant we change the whole system altogether into what it was first founded to be? Are we truly free in this country? Can we overhaul the whole political system and get back to our roots? Why do we have to consider our president’s college training proposal, which teaches us a trade and puts us to work for a meaningless job that is not our true essence, and what we were meant to do with our lives? Why do our wealthy have to be afraid of his level the playing field comment? Are the other candidates going to be any different as a president? I feel a big shift in thought and values coming to America. I am proud and honored to be a part of Neothink and in the learning process under Mark Hamilton. I truly believe in a Free nation and see that we are not free. I also believe that our organization can help make the changes necessary in our country. A brainstorming session needs to take place amongst our members and new values drawn and created for our nations political system. We need to be prepared and have a plan for what is coming.

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