Monday, March 10, 2025


January 16, 2014 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

My assignment for the month was to observe in my workplace things that could increase Income for myself and the people I work with. The theory was to turn our work place into a funplace, rather than a stagnant specialized job rut,and to observe what I see to make the job more profitable, easier, more efficient and less stressful for everybody,while increasing sales .. So , here are some of my insights that certainly could improve MY day . The store has 4 computer terminals, but the one with our timeclock sits on the customer servicecounter,and is used mainly for customer service. The time and frustration involved in just trying to clock in, going to and from lunch breaks, and clocking out wastes lots of time while waiting for an employee who is in the process of serving the valued customer. The same applies for employees who are required to use these terminals to do the mandatory training sessions. It is virtually impossible to concentrate surrounded by customers, telephones, other outside noises and interruptions. The use of the managers is seldom an option, and seldom accessable. Another insight. Our store has very narrow aisles, and they are seven to eight tall. To the top of a battery rack is at least six or seven feet, yet this company employs females of limited stature and weight, and senior citizens such as myself , and expects them to lift and lower extremely heavy auto parts such as batteries, brake parts, cv axles,and rack and pinions stacked above these top shelf heights, which is almost physically impossible. It occurred to me that there are not more accidents and work injury claims filed than there are. Another insight. There are a bunch of rickety old steps to the second floor, and the hand railing almost does not exist, but is where they choose to put heavier bulky parts, so not only is it dangerous, think of the time it would save if it were also on the bottom floor, and think of the time it would save to get those parts to the valued customer so you could move on to the next valued customer. Time is numbers that decrease profits. Another insight. When additional counter help is needed, or management is needed, it requires either shouting for someone, or going to the office to get someone. again, the customer must find this to be less than professional adding no endearing or value creation to his visit. In my case, if you want happy employees there are certain things that would need to be done. To make the task easier and less stressful, consider giving your value producers some incentive to want to do better, such as performance pay or incentive pay, and pay them better. If, as in my case, someone who has given the company three years of hard dedicated service, but is rewarded with wages that does not equal the minimum wage laws in some states, and you are just being used up and spit out, and there is no gratitude(That is the ultimate specialized stagnation trap) and in spite of the wisdom and reliability we offer , we are treated as if we are just another burden on society.

Solutions, from my view point. There is a whole down stairs room going to waste. It appears to be more of a hobby room than for parts sto rage. Employee searching time would be cut in half , be less dangerous, and give the employee more time to give the customer more valued service, and making more sales.
A separate terminal, out of harms way, where employees could do the mandatory training requirements,print price labels etc, and clock in and out without the need to wait or interrupt the flow of sales. A small area blocked off for that terminal would provide privacy, and could also serve as break area or lunch room for employees who prefer to bring lunches etc.
A paging system to the managers office and to back storage areas would avoid the need for shouting and surely make our customers visit seem less stressful. meybe now he can recall all those other items he was going to look for while in the store.(INCREASING NUMBERS)
A list of job responsibilities AKA job desriptions, printed monthly, or as needed, informing employees explainng what is required for that position, and if they can not meet those expectations, then find a replacement who is at least a value producer.
A large (chain store) operation makes it more difficult to avoid job specialization, as that is really what they want, and employees, such as myself, are stifled when wanting to morph into value creators even though we understand what it takes to make a business grow, and even soar, and make that work place a fun place to work. Without new thinking ,most, or at least some are quite comfortable with just “maintaining” that business till it no longer serves there needs, and could care less if it slips into stagnation deep enough to eventually kill that business. Those are a few of my insights. Thanks, Mr.H.,and if you found any 10 second miracles in there, double thanks. Wayne Smith

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Thoughts”
  1. Meta says:

    Wayne, What I see in your integrations sound good. Thank you; for the struggle we all face seem like a mountain to big to climb. We can make a change and fit in with the Society members where thankfully we think a like . Please do call Member Services @1800-480-2336 and let me know how things work out. Meta

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