Monday, March 10, 2025

The Ultimate Integration

December 19, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I found my purpose in this life and your program has just picked me up when it’s about to become real and manifested. You see I have the answer to the America Economy “The Reinvestment Recovery Act of 2010”
Mr. Hamilton your supposed to help me in this quest and make America become the greatest nation in the history of the world where the whole world becomes American and proud to be part of the greatest event in the history of time! You know we make our own place in this world and mine I have made on my own. Weather it is important depends on you. Through the Indestructible and Unconquerable Interior Law of force (the omnipotent Law of the God within) you can in time accomplish all right things and therefore I am not afraid to undertake this greatest undertaking in the history of the world but only if you are with me we can conquer the whole world. It’s because our cause is just I know how eternity will “become” thy kingdom comes without the lies and or the liar’s with nothing to hold U.S. of America back we will inevitably take place of the whole human race. So easily everything will become Justice easy as choosing prosperity, opulence, happiness and health as it is to choose poverty, the lack of, limitation, or disease. life will become without struggle, so too leaving the truth as the only way the truth is the most meaningful most reasonable most everything man has to “become” the Truth is Jesus as he has shown me to make the others see. They have become blinded by lies and the liar’s let be free to lie to everyone and cause chaos abroad the greatest nation known to mankind.
Your ability to turn ideas into actions is insurmountable in becoming our best at hand. There is this business that will rise for the people and their own occasion. it’s already called “The Greatest Business in the World” and through the numbers you can see it’s the American economies greatest possibility.
It’s an accumulation of the people’s own notes that they themselves have created. These value creations of their own Homes the For Sale by Owners” properties have been accumulating since the beginning. The creation of reinvestment of thi9s trillion dollar industry has never been developed and hardly anyone even knows about this industry because of the self serving and the liar’s who do not want you to know about them are in power the anti-civilizations current ly this business is being done by my web site you can see what and how this industry can be the answer to changing the world through each and everyone of these notes are sold to another American and each one becomes from one American’s income production of abundance . to 10X the American’s from a single act or action. All abundantly paid because it replaces the banks and makes the people the beneficiaries of these notes instead. The buyers are Americans who are creating the highest retirement programs for themselves . The highest investments for anyone in America and secured by property makes them the safest investments too!

So why don’t anyone know about these? It’s because of the self serving and the lies they don’t want anyone to know and the people who sell other investments don’t tell you about these because nobody represents the people any more! my integration can be seen here the numbers make all the difference in the world> Look!
There are so many accumulated now that it can be the greatest Answer for our economic recovery known to man. Will you help me fight for the people justice and truth is a great premise to be on the right side of greatness this business has the potential to become the largest business in the world. I’ve done the numbers and it’s integration turns it into an even greater cause for even I see how any business can profit by this great American cause 4500 to $2,000 finders fee’s for anyone who takes the credit for finding these notes and everyone 10X turns into 100 fold in an exponential growth never seen before . The economy flourishes like it’s never been before .
* Unlimited jobs
* Unlimited profit potential
* Untapped business never done
* It makes the banks money the
peoples money for economic growth
It’s so ironic that the founders principles who have founded this country are alive today.

Gods name is to cause to become and he causes our thoughts to become things and to become reality. The omnipotent exercises I can have people learning to become God Man or what I called superman in no time with the benefits becoming real for more people than you had before. . This initiation of of a new project is of great works and a new way of life. The transitional answer for the people in eternity. I also have the

Answer for the immortality with this business being a possible new business for the organization to flourish with this too! Check it out.
Coupled with the “One Minute Cure” and the power of the mind Here it is immortality!

merry Christmas
Stan Krause

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “The Ultimate Integration”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi stan, you covered a lot of subjets and that was really a great assement of marks teachings, keep up the good work, that was a great motivation for all the society

    You Have a Beautiful Day

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