Tuesday, March 18, 2025


November 16, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I did nbot yet experience the ten secod miracle but what I am experiencing a strong positive vibration stimulating my whole body bringing a stange feeling of goodness and happiness. I sometimes see my self engulfed in beautiful colours of blue and yellow with ocassional bolt of white lioght in my vision. I FOUND my friday night essence and an persuing it with all my pasion. THANK you MARK.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

  1. Nancy Morales says:

    hello mark once again its me Nancy a new member and proudly to announce it 🙂 i just went to the gemcastle kinda wierd but i want to know how to play i would be good at it and i wouldn’t mind putting some cash in my purse . i ‘am curious about my visions that i get all the time specifically when i read my book or when i listen to music that motivates me ! i power think and i can see my business owning job brand knew car and lot’s of money and then that’s not enough i start seeing visions of other things that i want to create invent and maybe even sing and act maybe even model all that pops in my head in less than 1 minute i guess that might be the reason you choose me out of all other people i knew and felt always that some one or some thing in the long run was going to save me. indeed Neothink gave me the tools to be the greatest person i always wanted to be and meant to be i had a lot of distractions threw out my life i was sad and lonely and full of sorrow and now i am happy want to live for ever even past 100 years old now i know how to control my self my family ! and that right there gives me the best filling i have ever felt i don’t have no money what so ever all the extra money iv been getting i spent on my books and iam proud of it i even sold my car to get my first book now that tells you I am a true member hope to move up as a mentor thank you for every thing! i really deep down from my heart thank you once again!

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