Friday, March 14, 2025

The Ten-Second Miracle.

August 27, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Last month, we studied the FNE. Let us review it before we learn about the Ten-Second Miracle in Level Two this month.
Well, what is the essence of a human being? – The essence of a human being is creation – Value Creation. Human beings are meant to create – to be Value Creator.
Creating is the opposite of stagnating. Value creating is how adults PLAY, how adults make happiness.
Our FNE taps into our deepest root of motivation that becomes the Downstream focus. Downstream focus will pull our mind free from its stagnant Value Production. Downstream focus will release our mind and allow it to finally forward into exhilarating Value Creation.
So, all human beings are meant to be creators, Value creators. Our FNE with its Downstream focus is a TOOL for us to pull free from Value production and flow into Value Creation.
FNE is a Means to an End – that End result being Value creation.
For those of us who cannot find our FNE, we have another way to Value creation. It’s another powerful TOOL to lift us out of our stagnant routine rut into exhilarating value creation. That TOOL is called “the Ten-second Miracle”.

I read “the Ten-Second Miracle” article in my Orientation booklet, a gift from my Neothink® mentor (different from Mr. MH who is our secret meetings mentor). It’s a beautiful introduction, however we have to wait for our respectable mentor to teach us “the Ten-Second Miracle” with necessary details in Level Two. He emphasized that the Visions and the new Techniques throughout all three Heirloom Packages came from the Ten-Second Miracles which are so difficult because they are a function of Neothink® – i.e. our next mentality, our Neothink mentality.
The Ten-Second Miracles occur through integrating knowledge, snapping together knowledge, like snapping together puzzles pieces. When the pieces are in place (sometimes after a long period of integrating), suddenly in about ten seconds, we see the whole picture in our mind, something like an incredible miracle! So, from integrating existing knowledge, we breakthrough illusions and nearly unbreakable appearances to what is. That the Ten-second Miracle that gives the answers needed to solve a problem.

The clearest example given us by our mentor was a case when he – at the age of fifteen-year old – had experienced himself “the Ten-Second Miracle” to save the restaurant that was going under due to the lack of customers. He tried to see the restaurant differently through all the areas of business: where the money could be, where the power was? Remembering John D. Rockefeller’s saying “Numbers are your Tools to make Ten-Second Miracles yourself”, he started looking things through the eyes of numbers all around him at work. What was the amount received from customers and what were the employees’ incomes? How many customers were eating? How the number of customers could increase? What was on the menu? How was the food prepared? How were the waitresses dressed and looked? How to improve the location of the restaurant to attract the customers? He saw that customers were not locals. They were just passing through in their way to other destinations. He walked out front of the restaurant before his work to study the sign and the curb appeal. He noticed that along the Federal Highway where
the restaurant is located, vehicles were running in both directions, southward and northward. So it is dangerous to park at the other side of the Highway then walk across it to reach the restaurant to eat. At the right side of the Highway from South to North were located an hotel, the restaurant where he worked, then a side street, then a gas station at the North of the side street. So when customers drove past the restaurant either northward or southward, when they drove past the gas station or the hotel, it was too far for them to park and then walked back to the restaurant. Naturally those customers were lost as they continued to drive forward to reach other restaurants where parking was available.
Looking at the front of the restaurant, he remarked that only three vehicles could park there and those places were always occupied. So there is a lack of parking places. How to solve it? He kept on integrating and one day, while moving garbage containers along the dirty way toward the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, he found out the missing piece: the trash bin area which snapped into place and the puzzle picture filled his head. He found the answers to the restaurant’s problems. That the Ten-Second Miracle he experienced for the first time that could improve the restaurant location by creating additional parking places at the back of the restaurant and at the trash bin area. He explained to the owner of the restaurant what should be done and the latter happily agreed and jokingly said that “You ought to be the owner of the restaurant, not me!”
The restaurant can now provide at least 20 parking places at the back. Moreover, customers can also park at both sides of the side street. A few signs of FREE PARKING inviting customers from both directions to turn into the side street to go to the back of the restaurant.
So that Ten-second Miracle had really saved the restaurant business. The restaurant becomes prosperous under the same owner after more than 30 years now.

Our mentor instructed us to practice during this whole month the eyes of numbers and look differently around our places of work, working hard observing the essence for the company we work, seeing the numbers in business in order to cut through stagnant set tasks down to the money-making essence that will lead us to Ten-Second Miracles.
As several of our mentor’s apprentices currently don’t have a routine rut job, they therefore don’t have a company to look at and practice the eyes of numbers which are the tools to make Ten-Second Miracles, it is hoped that our mentor could provide us with some more examples similar to the story of the restaurant mentioned above. That surely will teach us more than the example given us by Charles Nash of General Motors.
Pha N.

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