Saturday, February 22, 2025

The stuff in my head

May 23, 2022 by R. Blaine  
Filed under Integrations

I have lived the road of an entire career using the creative thinking mindset. working problems on the fly to effortless perfection and the joyful roars of the audience. Money has never been my priority but I do now see that it is a necessary tool in order to follow my FNE. currently I am drawing wealth to me… using the techniques of my royal ancestors as well as your guidance given in your first 55 pg. manuscript…I see clearly what lies ahead…my theories on how to see and change what is around the corner with a thought…Equations I see in dreams that only I can read as lifechanging worldwide solutions to the anti-civiliations…How tonal technology, first mentioned by the high priests of Abraham, can heal a person and move a literal mountain…The fusion of awakening gifts and new science that will allow us to have a stead-fast learning system for our young ones using telepathy and visuals….and of course the real world use of the voice. An affect of the combination of tonal triggers and psychic influence which enduces unflinching compliance…There are many more rattling around in this skull of mine. But where do I fit? I need funding and a research facility around me to start…So I do what I know. create wealth that orbits me like a planet does the sun…Patience and a real sense of urgency is what compels me share that last part. I would have you think on were and how you would utilize my talents and gifts both new and old…would love some advice… Many blessings upon us all…And so it is RB Yeats

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