Friday, March 7, 2025


January 17, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations


I watched and listened carefully to the second level and of course will do so again to make certain I didn’t miss anything but I must say after listen especiall with the assignment that was given regarding numbers I have been going through my mind trying to figure out how I would even be able to do this with what I do.

I am involved with two professions, one which I have been in for nearly 30 years and my brain hurts from trying to figure out how I could even possibly start to develop working with numbers in this business. I am an appraiser and of a very unique specialty in Personal Property. When I first started my business it was with the idea of helping individuals and still is but unfortunately it has never worked that way. It is and always has been a win, win situation and I have tried all these years to come up with something that would lead an individual into requesting my services and to this day I have not been successful. This is not a business that I feel numbers would ever work or be possible and of course this is my opinion but also my business and I have watched and observed all these years but if you belong to an organization as I do, which tests and certifies those who desire to do appraisal work for a living, you have rules, guidelines and regulations one must follow. There are no short cuts, an appraisal is what it is and if it is something that deals with Charitable Contribution or Estate Tax, the rules and guidelines become even more strict and yes I can hear you, well that is establishment or government, yes it is, but in the same case, I am helping the individual not to get in trouble and that to me is Neothinking regardless of whether it is bicameral thinking. This saddens me because even if it is for insurance, no one even if they have enough money wants to have to pay out of their own pocket whatever the value of the collectibles are, especially if they want to go forward and replace them, with their own money. They way I see it, you are in this world and you may be trying not to be of it but you still have to follow what has been established until changes take place.

Now as to my more recent profession I am starting and have had littel success with it too, is as a Voice-Over Artist. Again, I am trying to relate how working with numbers can help put the puzzle pieces in place for me to become the success I want to be. I would love being that voice for something really big but getting there has been extremely challenging and like anything else, one needs to be discovered.

My bigger concern, it is always easy for individuals who have an abundance of money with no concerns where their next dollar is coming from to always express how simple and easy it is.

I need help now and unfortunately, I am not a fast reader, nor since I first received my series of books to read have I even been able to read everything. The one that appeals to me the most is Miss Annabelle and I am not even half way through.

I know what I am expressing because I have read others posts is probably no different, but forget the Ten-Second-Miracle, I need a Miracle now, now is not even Ten Seconds, it is now.

Thanks, I am enjoying the Level courses.


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