Thursday, March 6, 2025

Supper Puzzle

August 6, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I enjoyed reading this story. The more I read the more I have experienced what Miss Annabelle experienced. I went to school to become a teacher. I was taught the Learning Channels, this method shows teachers how to identify how students learn, and then them this way. Some students are Visual Learners, and Some are Auditory Learners, and Some are Tactile learners. I learned this so well that I applied this method when I was student teaching that I found one student that was being put down because of his reading ability. They told me that this student could only read 2nd grade material. I found out this student was an auditory learner, so I gave him a 6th grade book to read and ask him auditory review questions, and found out that he answered every question correctly. I wrote a paper on my finding and told them to teach this child by the auditory method, build his self esteem, and let him read 6th grade books, and he would be okay. Because of the establishment had already declared this boy as 2nd grad reading. My results go to the establishment, and I was banned to get my Teaching Certificate. I went into a meeting like the one Miss Annabelle went through. I know how she felt, being torn apart for just teaching correct principles. I was lucky to get my diploma, but was denied teaching. I love children. I have used what they have taught me as a customer service agent in call centers. I have found out the more I use it, the more companies establishments want to tear you down and put you into that routine rut. I have seen marriages come together, and I know that I can put a marriage back together in 30 days, so I am a lot like Jasmine with her marriage seminars, so I relate to that part of the story also. It seems whenever I want to help people improve they cut me down. I also relate the doctor in the story. I believe I have found out what causes cancer, and how get the body to heal itself. My mother died of Cancer, and I saw my mother suffer, so I can relate to the story in that way. I have been searching for the way the body can cure itself. When I tell people they just laugh. I know the secret is in the movie called the Bucket Lists. Many of those people in the Miss Annabelle story I can relate to. I have a lot of Friday Night Essences, I have learned, but which one do I go to. I understand who the Holy Ghost is, and how he can give you 10 second promptings on what to do. I was saved from a roll over with a truck and trailer by that promptings. I know man can become immortal. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which is the only church on the earth that teaches families how to be eternal, and immortal. The church you call God-Man in your book, should be called Man to God. that is the church I belong to. I believe in everything that is in Miss Annabelle Story. I believe through your system we would not need governments to tell us how to live, but we could live together in peace. I relate to Daniel. I know in the Book of Mormon it taught about a group of people in Fourth Nephi how they lived in peace for 200 years on the American Continent, and then they reverted back to cannibals. It tells why they did. I believe the First Man-Adam and Eve was like God and very intelligent, then they fell, and slowly mankind was destroyed in the Flood, but another very intelligent man Noah save the race and it started all over again, and now man is becoming again ready for destruction. They did become non thinkers, But with God you become thinkers, and creators. I love what you are teaching us. I am just afraid of all the aspects which come to start your own company. I look at a friend that started Premiere Vending. I see all that he goes through. I asked him last month, if he had to do it all over. He said yes. He says he looks to it as an adventure. I guess I should look at it as an adventure. I am looking for that 10 Second Miracle this months to know which one of my many talents You can help me with.

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