Friday, March 14, 2025

Secret Meeting 2

August 20, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark this is my first posting on the Secret Meeting 2 website.
I have possible 10 seconds miracle concerning my dream my vision or super puzzle “Heaven’s Knoll helping the homeless” (my Friday-night Essence). I see the big puzzle picture, I see the homeless showing up, I see them building the covered eating area, I see them putting up the building for the school for the homeless children (using Ms Annabel teaching style) & adults to learn (using “Neothink” skills). I see 1 to 2 new businesses being created with the collaboration of some of the homeless, myself and the Neothink Society membership. I see the homeless get jobs and move out, so other homeless can move in. I see other homeless becoming drivers of car pools to shuttle people to and from work until they have enough money to stand on their own 2 feet. I see the homeless who were once active military personnel being used as security and police for the “Heaven’s Knoll Homeless Camp”. I can see how “Heaven’s Knoll” project integrates with “Church of God-man” and the 12 VISION Party.
There is one (1) puzzle piece missing.
How do I get the Finances to start “Heaven’s Knoll”? Do I win a “LOTTO Jackpot”? Do I meet a rich woman at a Neothink Clubhouse who has a similar dream or vision? Or so I thought. Then it hit me while I was listening to “Secret Meeting 2”.
You are the key Mark, the missing Puzzle piece.
You stated at the end of “Secret Meeting 1” that there’s “Financial Incentive” for working with or for the “Church of God-man”.
Perhaps, becoming an active member of the “Church of God-man” along with your “Financial Incentive” you mentioned will allow me to build up the funds needed to start and create my “Heaven’s Knoll” vision. Of course, the active contact with the “Neothink Society” members should catapult my “Heaven’s Knoll” vision into reality. Perhaps, the “Church of God-man” and the “Financial Incentive” you mentioned is my 10 seconds miracle.
So what do you think Mark?
Is there a “Church of God-man” up here in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Washington) area that I can work with or for or go to and meet the members or to join and receive this financial incentive?
I have not joined the “secret member’s website that cost $1 a day, yet. Well, as of today, I have not drawn out any money from my 401k to pay off some of my credit card bill, so I can join. Being retired and on a fixed income with limited funds does make it challenging.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Secret Meeting 2”
  1. Meta says:

    Dear Stephen, Thank you for your intergrations! Please Call Member Services they can help you. Member services is a volunteer group ‘there to help’. @ 1-800-480-2336. Meta

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