Thursday, March 6, 2025

rhapsody of thoughts

August 20, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

a rhapsody of thoughts.

Suppose everybody in our group wrote a single children’s story. Write a five minute children’s story, just one. Then give it to the world. Let people read to their children before bed. What would happen?

To make that idea more real, let me create the following example scenario.

1. Someone wrote about rabbits and frogs, and woven into the current was one blurb, about the integrated honest individual and success.

2. Someone else wrote a story about horses and deer. Woven into that story is ‘just identify and watch out for bad leaders’

3. Someone else wrote a method/example that clears up a non sequitur. It’s raining today… could be an honest statement. I washed my car today… could be an honest statement. However when you link them… It’s raining BECAUSE I washed my car… it no longer is honest. The connection makes an illusion.

4. When you grow up…

Well, you get the idea.

Ok… those are example story fillers only.

Let’s say there were a few hundred bedtime stories like this. Parents read to children. In a year each of the children, becomes a genius. And the parent does too! Each parent becomes a genius.

If a parent reads to their child, one five minute story a day and the child becomes a genius in a year… the parent also would become a genius. Time passes… Further back and forth talking exists.

‘Why is it called neo?’
Because it is both new AND old.
Well, it’s new to us today.
‘Yes so …why don’t we just call it new-think?’
It is ALSO the oldest possible way of thinking… it goes way back to Greece and BEFORE that to a time BEFORE the controlling illusions were invented. Things like, after you die you will be much happier in heaven, so become sheep.

Now at some point in time…
Because of the stimulating conversations…
Both individuals… the parent and child have become geniuses.

…They hear from the radio, David Kekich says the disease of aging has been cured. It really is a done deal. We know how. We have the ingredients and we have the recipe. What’s missing is the distribution. We need to make large quantities of the product and put it out on the shelves now.

I bet everybody would connect the dots and the illusions for many many people would just disappear.

To everybody’s delight.

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