Tuesday, March 4, 2025

return to innocence

June 1, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

reflecting on marks words and where i am now this is my theme song now i heard it long ago an just loved it now it is my battle cry after hearing marks lead and where it is taking us i came i conquered and now i must return for your sake mine and the universe we are all a part of and united we stand as a great universe please do as mark has so boldy done go back home to your heart to the child and find the adult you are i came i have conquered death at the age of 18 and from there it has been a long journey but with mark holding the torch to light my way not his way for he has another function i may or may not be the same body part of the whole but that is my search to know an like him i will carry a torch to light the way for others that they may not loose there way for not unlike our own body the universe needs its body parts in the right palce an functioning as a whole that we all survive an like the famous words of a movie Watch Me Now i step before you in my innocence to light the way as you look an marvel or dismay for it is the way that he shows that counts to step in front of a speeding bullet is sheer madness or i can do it i choose to do it thank you mark

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