Sunday, March 9, 2025

Retired? not really

October 25, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

While I find the Neothink presentations pretty stimulating, I am not working at a regular job. So all of Mark’s suggestions are not too applicable in my daily life. For the time being I find myself mostly dealing with time and motion studies within my household. My most exciting moments in the business world have been when I’ve been involved in the design and implementation of architectural projects over the years. In the rural county where I live semi-retired there is not too much construction and thus not a great need for architects. I perceive the real need to be better availability of capital so that construction can begin again. With the economy sitting still due to so much media-induced anxiety one can only daydream instead of moving ahead into the next stage of mankind’s evolution. Are there any thoughts on this matter?

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One Response to “Retired? not really”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    must be nice to be retired, but I get asked this question many times both as a mentor and with my commitement to member services. every thing that mark has laid out for us can be utilized for every one, from setting up your mannie days to 10 seconds miricles to power thinking, remeber you are responsible for you own action, and must set every thing up for your life. you have a beautiful day and if you have any question please feel free to contact me at

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