Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Personal FNE Progress

October 8, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

My experiences over the last month, working as a Hospital Technician have helped me clarify my Friday Night Essence. While employing Project Curiosity at work, I not only learned many important details about the business of Sterile Processing in healthcare, but, also uncovered training opportunities to improve performance in this field. Performance standards exist,but,there is no leadership is exercised in ensuring adherence to these critical standards. Available continuing education that would significantly increase value creation in the realm of patient safety, is not actively promoted by management. Additionally, just the simple integrating processes of connecting available resources to proactive decision making in daily problem solving, appears to be non-existent among seasoned supervisors. I am currently developing mini-day and power-thinking lists around these discoveries, to determine their most effective use, either within or outside of my current work structure. Looking back over this last month, I really appreciate Mark’s lesson today, regarding both the FNE and the Ten Second Miracle as tools. This lesson has helped me integrate my thoughts and observations from this period and I now have a much better understanding of how to effectively use these tools to advance my growth. I have discovered that healing (my common denominator of experience)is and always has been my passion for over 30 years. I now realize that my path of self-study in various healing disciplines, as well as my interest in writing about mental development and now healthcare, in particular, have influenced my evolution into healthcare as a professional. I am an emerging Value Creator in the field of healthcare, with the opportunity to introduce multiple values that will enhance and extend human life. I see both Mini-Company, as well as Startup Company prospects in the puzzle pieces that I’ve assembled so far. Thank you Mark, for this lesson.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

3 Responses to “Personal FNE Progress”
  1. DE EPPIE says:

    You need not TELL me all those: WEALTH, POWER, ROMANCE and HAPPINESS to convince me to join NEOTHINK SOCIETY OF SECRETES…it’s very CLEAR to me that the purpose of the group is to REPLACE the GREEDY BICAMERAL, UNCONSCIOUS, UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE
    PLATFORM AND THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD are good enough for me to remain a TRUE and SINCERE member of the NEOTHINK for the sake of my children, grandchildren and all my following generations to come.

  2. DE EPPIE says:

    To my Mentor Bill and Mr. Mark Hamilton: Bill, I think that you are a WONDERFUL PERSON…very kind and helpful and a very intelligent guy. I appreciate your help and I THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    And for you Mr. Mark Hamilton, I strongly believed that you are a
    genius…sacrificing all your life to change the world for the better. I can see that you are spending most of your time helping people to have their lives as they meant to be. You said that you are constantly monitoring the Neothink Society Website…I am wondering how you are doing it, how much sleep you are getting everyday by doing so. If you make the Miss Annabelle story into a MOVIE, I believe that it would be the highest MONEY maker in the history of the Movie Industry. But you prefer to help people to have their lives as they meant to be…you want them to get rid of their MYSTICISM in order to change into Neothink and the CIVILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSE would prevail. And every human being in the Universe would become WEALTHY including the POOR. I believe that all what you have plan are going to happen, maybe not during my lifetime but my grandchildren and my future generation will enjoy, and I am willing to do all that I can to help make your dreams come true.

  3. Meta says:

    Dear Mustapha, So much information in your integrations, hope you can find the time to share your intergations with the society members. Sharing will multiply our efforts and spark ideas in others and you say it so well. If you would like to become an Active Member please call Member Services @1-800-480-2336. Meta

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