February 25, 2011 by tdomf_55091
Filed under Integrations
Hi I really enjoyed the meeting to day. Although I am unable to work anymore do to injuries that happened to me during my military service. Being on a small fixed income, I can see that I need to re think how to best maximize the income I do have. To adjust my priorities to try and be able to have money left to put into savings. I could use some help however in learning how I can create values for others? I have ideas for products I believe people would like but do not know how to get them out there. Any suggestions? Thank You!
Hi lee
are you aware that we have a businnes alliance lee and they may be able to help you in your projects. You can access them two way # 1 send an E-mail to rick mabe at or # 2 join the teleconferances by going to and signing up for the teleseminars. so you see my freind we have quite a few way to help you, but you must take that step and move forward on you own. i hope that i have been helpful and you have a Beautiful Day
Ps. if you would like to contact me feel free to E-mail me at