Wednesday, March 12, 2025


December 8, 2014 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know to receive the comments sent on my integrations. I also have a confession to make that probably sounds odd in this day and age. I have never used social network or participated in a chat room. However, after checking the secret website out over the weekend I promise I will join this week. It may take some time for me to get used to this.

I’m aware that I look at the world from a different perspective than others. My mindset is that I try to put others first, especially my family and loved ones. I’m a hands-on person and I like to help others and do what I can to help them meet their needs. My experience with numbers is related to my viewpoint. Back in high school I had a job selling shoes where I averaged the highest sales with the least returns. It was a product I believed in and something that the person needed. I can be very persuasive in this type of situation. Once my husband knew everything he needed for his building everything fell into place and I have been helping him as much as I can. However, the business is only a fictional name right now and I don’t see how I can look at numbers at my paid “dead-end” job. Any suggestions.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Numbers”
  1. Ben DeVries says:

    I’ve tried sugestions to improve things but they don’t seam to care.

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