Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nothing new

November 20, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

OK. This all made sense. COMMON SENSE! I mean, I don’t call it “integrated thinking”, I call it common sense. I don’t call it “Looking at things through the numbers”, I call it working smarter, not harder. It’s something I’ve been doing all my life, since I was a kid. I’d always spend a couple minutes to figure out an easier way. I used to tell people who worked for me to “Stop spending 20 minutes explaining why you can’t do something, spend 10 minutes to figure out how to get it done”. I used to be called McGyver at places where I worked because I always found a way to use what was available to make the job easier and quicker. I moved up fast in many companies with that technique. I walked in off the street and within months was the boss of people who had been there for years. Too bad that can not be done where I work now. They FIRE people for using their minds. You do WHAT they say, AS they say, WHEN they say, the WAY they say or have a nice day, and don’t forget to pick up your final paycheck. I’ve watched people try to advance in this company only to be fired after they moved up and the period of “trial” time in their new position expired, they then lost their seniority as they had to start at seniority level 1 for the new position and were fired because they “Had too many people at that level, and you ARE the most junior”. They are slick, devious VALUE DESTROYERS! Any attempt to advance is suicide with these folks. The turnover rate is PHENOMENAL! At my level, in my dead end stagnate specialized position, this company goes through 800-1,000 employees PER YEAR! And upper management is not any better. Don’t become friends with any of them because each month, someone new is in that position and you never hear from the previous one again. I’ve found articles on the net about high up management personnel who get indited for felonies and fraud AND THEY GET BONUSES! If you are good, if you are smart, if you are moral, if you can create, AND THEY FIND OUT, you are gone! Hell, even all the rules are nothing but a set up for employee failure. You can’t do things right and I’ve proven that to them. I caught them and backed them into a corner using THEIR rules and THEIR words. So as far as doing it in my job, that is out of the question and I know what I’m talking about because I know how to advance. It’s not rocket science. I’ve done it in EVERY job I’ve EVER had before this one.

I have MANY ways to create value. I have MANY ideas that would work. They would create value for millions and a couple that could actually revolutionize the world, but it all costs money to get started. That’s the only thing that has ever held me back. I’m currently working on attracting the right people with the right mindset with connections to investors to assemble a team to research and develop these ideas. So far I, like Edison, have found thousands of ways it won’t work. But,again like Edison, I won’t quit.

As far as the 10 second miracle goes, it was kind of a bummer to read in lesson two that I’ve been doing it all my life. I was hoping for an explosion of inside info I could use to move ahead, but all I can say after lesson two is DOH!

No new knowledge learned there.

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