Sunday, March 16, 2025

noeothink and the ten second mirical

May 27, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Mr hamilton i beleive i have unknowingly practiced neothink and the ten second mirical somewhat for most of my adult life. my family owned appaertments that that i took care of for over tweenty five years and worked a day job at the same time. with almost no budget i rented and maintained those appartments. i kept them rented when they were hard to rent by coming up with new ways to addvertise.and improving them. numbers cutting cost by building a dump truck and a dumpster. and started doing all the mechanics and construction my self. as well as geting all the parts and materials at a discount. i think im on my way to neothink and the ten second mirical.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “noeothink and the ten second mirical”
  1. William J kyle says:

    Way to go Grizzly. do you relaize that most people do not know what a ten second is. and you my freind reconize what the ten second miricle is and how to acheive it. if you need any futher understanding then you may want to join the active neothink membership. you may call member services at 1-800-480-2336

    I Love you

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