Tuesday, February 25, 2025

No turning back now………

December 17, 2015 by Tom Burlingame  
Filed under Integrations

Hi, Mark!

I look back, I dare say, almost in terror, (that really is the best word for it: terror) at the kinds of social conditioning we grew up with. I almost forget what it really was like. Conditioning that denied……no, denigrated, our values as beings. Or even having the right TO be at all. Shocking!! The compromise, and conformity, and sacrifice that seemed to be required of us. And for what?!! The collective good!!
And the collective is what? The individuals that comprise it……..who in themselves, individually have little or no worth. It took me awhile to see the vicious contradiction. And to repuidate it ALL!!!!! Such vicious and violent social conditioning has been thoroughly repudiated in my mind for many years now.

I have had it repudiated in my mind for so long now, decades really, that I TEND TO FORGET, that there ever really was such terrible thinking TO repudiate. When I am reminded of it, I feel quite literally an aghast sense of terror!!

Yes, play, creation, and biological immortality is so totally HOW I think and aspire NOW. It is so totally the antithesis of all the early social conditioning I have just wrote about. The contrast is shocking.

But, yes, as you have always said, we do live in an anti-civilization. Your writings were the first place I have encountered that term: “anti-civilization”. And I remember thinking, what an appropriately descriptive…….and even compelling term it is. You hit it spot on!

With every quantum of my being, I wish to add to the CRUMBLING of that anti-civilization.

There is NO turning back now.

All the agents of repression and entropy and monstrosity have had their day.

Play, creation, and biological immortality………and yes!!………immortally!

And this is just the beginning. The beginning of new beginnings.

There is no turning back.

We will have this world.

Tom B.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “No turning back now………”
  1. Tom Burlingame says:

    Hi, Charlie!
    Touching bases……..I have posted a couple of questions in recent days in this “Speak With Your Mentor” section. I have seen so for no responses of any kind. Perhaps I just do not know how to access them.

    Things move well…….after all, this is power on!

    Tom B.

  2. Greetings,
    Hope this finds you and all is well. I am going into the third month and lesson and I banter all your suggestions and wish to see more than the bottom of a website and the continuation of my donations. Please open this line of communications and I shall be studious and present to learn more and kick this year into a secretary and a limo…(knuck knuck)
    god bless

    p.s. I’m thinkin of getting some breakfast

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