Sunday, March 9, 2025

new thoughts

October 28, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

hello mark,bill and my other mentors i want to say I’m sorry for my other integrations i regret putting it on here while i was able to to make pieces of a puzzle to solve a problem when i was sitting in the woods the other day i took a harder look at the integration and could have found a lot different ways to to take care of that problem so again I’m sorry for putting it on here it would have gone under the bad thought area

Now i want to start this by giving a new integration something that may give more value to the type of people that We are this is going to be a long one because i just don’t have the funds to be able to get on the neothink web site so i will let it all out here. See i have lived in a basement now for way to long I don’t drink anymore so all those who called themselves friends have disappeared and i own a small lawn & land co that i work myself so I’m always THINKING mark these are the integrations I think you were looking for Because of a gentleman on the business alliance conference call named Rick it brought me back to the reality that you want our integrations hey after being alone for so long I forget at times you are looking for these things i want you to know the real reason i continued with buying your books MARK when i got greatest kept secret i had a saying go through my mind i figured out now where it came from a movie called stigmata this movie really upset the church because it talked of a book called the gospels of Thomas they were found near to the dead sea scrolls low and behold in my book powers it is mentioned again and the number 114 is shown through all the books so i know what I’m reading this also made me realize if these were Christ words that i owed it to my king to know the truth no matter how hard it was so I went forward and am very happy I did when i received secrets,visions and powers i didn’t read them right at first ooops didn’t see the note that said witch one to read first but it all came together and WOW did it ever several years ago i was in a bad motorcycle accident and i have a hip that bothers me very badly at times this summer it was worse than usual at times i was brought nearly to tears when out working NOW when i got the first three heirloom packages i thought of a book a read when i was 18 called zen in the martial arts Bruce Lee talked about seeing little men working on his body to repair parts that didn’t work properly i didn’t understand this at the time BUT now with Neothink i began to understand at least a little more using Neothink and i would say the ten second miracle i had a PROFOUND experience i took what i had remembered from the one book then took powers, Neothink and visions integrated them all together (by the way i have had some medical classes so i know what the human body should look like on the inside and out. Now after integrating these books together i looked through my minds eye and broke my hip down to its most anatomical form then rebuilt it i didn’t see little men but instead it was little bubbles of light they took the fragmented pieces of bone and brought them back to where they belonged NOW I don’t totally understand what i did but the outcome was an eye opener my hip was in complete pain from may till almost the middle of august after integrating these books and my hip together well all i have to say is that I’m very happy its been two and a half months since my first books came and i used them it has also been two and a half month since I have felt any pain what so ever in my hip its just gone nothing relates better than seeing something this profound for yourself. I’m trying to break from my habits of doing it all myself NOW and will try to get better at integrating it made me think of something Winston Churchill had said Mountaintops inspire leaders but it’s the valleys below that mature them. MARK thank you from the bottom of my heart i USED to not read well but seeing in pictures has helped me because it’s almost like watching a movie as I read so to speak I know this integration has gone on for very long now but i want to add just one more thing YOU and others called me friend when i first started this i did not know at fist but now I do YOU and the society are my friends and I figured this out when I found some things in the supper puzzle that helped me to make since of things the name john has been mentioned many times SO i researched john and the numbers i have found in the supper puzzle i will only write the one because it answers the question i had so here we go JOHN:15 verse 15 NO LONGER DO I CALL YOU SERVANTS FOR THE SERVANT DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THE MASTER IS DOING BUT I HAVE CALLED YOU FRIENDS FOR ALL THAT I HAVE HEARD FROM MY FATHER I HAVE MADE KNOWN TO YOU.

I thank all the mentors in the society and while sad i will not be able to meet Frank Wallace I thank him and his entire family for what they have brought Me and the world.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “new thoughts”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    no promblem about your mystisims, we all have them and we all reverts back occasional, but as a faithful neothinker we always forget and forgive. and if you can remeber the part in miss annabell’s book the gentleman they brought back from the island, and who became a value creator, as opposed to a value producer, so you do’nt really need to apolize, but remeber that we always love you. you have a beautiful Day

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