Sunday, March 9, 2025

Neothinking My Way Out Of Homelessness!

September 14, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
I realize it has been a long time since my last post. A lot has happened between now and then… For those of you who don’t know, I spent 3 months being homeless. Not in a shelter homeless. Down and out and on the street homeless. All because I refused to attend my parents’ right-wing conservative, irrational church! Anyway, my experiences have been horrific but they have made me stronger.
As regards the Ten-Second Miracles, I have experienced them at least weekly, sometimes daily, for my entire young-adult life. I called them “visions” or “signs” and attached a religious meaning to most of them. Now I see that it is simply my subconscious mind communicating directly with my conscious mind. I see flashes of the future. Potential futures, in vivid color picture… in VIVID detail, complete with the full emotional experience of what that vision will be like, should it occur.
The “miracles” will happen while I’m “daydreaming” or just walking down the street.
But you know what? I have “business versions” of these ten-second miracles too! And I now see no less than ten different ways for me to become a multi-millionaire with my internet businesses that I have already begun, as well as new ideas for other businesses that I could start. And it is all thanks to being exposed to Neothink and having you, Mark, as my mentor to guide me into emotional, financial, and time freedom!
Thank you does not do what you have done for me justice…
But thank you anyway.

Ken Barcroft

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One Response to “Neothinking My Way Out Of Homelessness!”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Way to go ken you are truly a neothinkers, and you see the ten second miricle which will enentually lead you to a better and brighter future. next you must find your friday night essence and follow your heart, in order to become the person that you were ment to be. again congratsluation on your ability to reconize your ten second miricle. if you have any further question please feel free to ER-mail Me at

    You have a Beautiful Day

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