Sunday, March 9, 2025

lvl 2 meeting comments

September 7, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

hi mark,
sorry for the delay to respond to the lvl 2 meeting. it took me a bit to get the meeting to stop shuttering so much. the lvl 2 meeting was a great help tho with the numbers being in the restaurant biz thats all about the numbers and creation. your first job washing dishes at 15 was mine too i didnt save a restaurant tho haha 🙂 but thats where i started in the biz. I have been focuseing on the numbers (not moeny numbers) that keep the customers comeing back instead. Im a cook at a local restaurant at the moment. i know i have found my FNE but not sure how to put it into use at my work except by what i make for the customers that come thru the restaurant. right now im very busy with my work and trying to find a new place to live but will keep plug into the numbers and value creation and hope to get the lvl 3 meeting soon. Again im sorry for the delay in my comment on the lvl 2 meeting hope to here from u soon

thanks again
fred wolfe

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “lvl 2 meeting comments”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi fred

    i’m very happy for you most people do not find out what there Fne is or actually never get to enjoy it in their life, many koodoo to you my fine freind, as for you mini day i’m very confident that you wil;l work it out and establish it in your life style as a neothinker. if you have any more question please feel free to e-mail me at you have a Beautiful day.

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