Friday, March 7, 2025

Life filled with Ten-Second MIricles

May 23, 2022 by Benjamin  
Filed under Integrations

Since I was a young lad, I have spent most of my life looking at things around me and thinking outside the box. I always found myself closely infatuated with numbers and have always challenged myself to find better, faster, more efficient, less strenuous means of accomplishing the tasks in every field from delivering newspapers and running my own lawn care service as a young 10-15 year old, to working in a small manufacturing plant and local retail store during high school, to joining the military and taking on multiple career fields in Aviation. Thinking in Numbers has always brought me satisfaction as well as providing purpose. I have been in Aviation now for 24 years and have seen many differ aspects of the industry. I still love it, I have never struggled or grudgingly forced myself out of bed to go to work. I just feel that there is something more in another field that is meant for me to create. That is why I Have embarked on this journey with you Mark.

For the last 6 months, through reading and studying the three Heirloom Books, listening to and interacting with the Charlie, Dave, Karen, Sue, and Josh n the weekly Wednesday night webinars, I have found my FNE, and surprise, it doesn’t have anything to do directly with aviation. In fact Aviation is just a tool utilized within this FNE. When I was reading the books I found myself fascinated with the realm of mass scale globally linked real estate communities. I have been working on formulating this now for the past three and a half months. Educating myself during most of my free time in the aspects required to make this a reality. The though is that no matter where one is in the world, the essence of home remains constant. I have begun by developing this to serve the current military family first, with the plan to branch this into general populous within the next 10 years.

The game of numbers has moved this forward so fast over the last two months that I am finding it hard to slow down the puzzle forming long enough to capture each of the aspects on paper. Just when I get into planning/design mode the next facet floods my mind. My solution has been to revert to voice recording my thoughts throughout the day so that I can simply capture the thought processes as quickly as they are coming.

I know that earlier I said that Aviation is a tool which will be utilized within my FNE. This is where, things, pardon the pun, really started to takeoff. As we know, aviation allows, families to relocate further and easier, Supplies to be transported from anywhere to anywhere in fractions of time, business dealings happen more efficiently because of the ability to be physically present for negotiations, contract signing, as great as the internet is, there is something about the ability to shake hands, bow, or just look someone straight in the eye that makes our human bonds stronger do to there being less room for misinterpretations.

The last few weeks, I have had this nagging in the back of my head. I knew getting into this venture was going to cost money and I needed to find investors. Funny thing, I have found myself utilizing my game of numbers, taught to me by granddad, for the stock market. This is something that I have dabbed in for years, with some small success, but now, It really clicks and is working far better than I could of imagined. Funny thing about numbers, they can’t lie, when the formulas used and are right.

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