Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Level Two Realizations

November 26, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Who AM I? I’m the individual who is learning and realizing new things here at Level Two.
According to Level Two; I see that By Shifting one’s POINT of VIEW at WORK from having one’s attention on the Boring Tasks of “Doing One’s JOB” as a Value PRODUCER to the NEW VIEWPOINT of someone who “OWNS or RUNS THE BUSINESS, COMPANY or CORPORATION,” as the Value CREATOR, and then from THAT more CREATIVELY RESPONSIBLE Point of VIEW to begin looking not only at one’s OWN PERSONAL production, but at the NUMBER of Products and/or Services being PRODUCED as it RELATES to How WELL the Business, Company or Corporation is DOING Financially based on the INCOME it receives from the NUMBER of Products and/or Services it is Currently Delivering seems to be the KEY Tool being used here. This becomes the POINT of VIEW that changes one from FEELING BORED at WORK to being CURIOUS and INTERESTED in Everything going ON not only with one’s OWN part in PRODUCING those Products and/or Services but in WHAT is going on ALL AROUND ONE throughout the Business, Company or Corporation! It’s a WHOLE NEW WAY of LOOKING at things that Changes “WORK” into INTEREST and Creative “ADULT PLAY”. That SHIFT in Viewpoint CHANGES EVERYTHING. And by Focusing on NUMBERS related to Delivered Products and/or Services as they relate to Income, it then SETS one UP to look at How Efficiently Things are being DONE by Self and Others; which becomes the BASIS for becoming CURIOUS and INTERESTED in HOW to IMPROVE CONDITIONS not only for SELF but OTHER EMPLOYEES as well. The CHANGE IN VIEWPOINT replaces being BORED with CURIOSITY and INTEREST in the PIECES of the PUZZLE and the resulting REALIZATION of the OVERALL VIEW of How EVERYTHING in the Business, Company or Corporation WORKS, along with the EXCITEMENT of Suddenly seeing how EASILY things can be CHANGED into a more Fun, Playful, and Profitable Existence where We Change from the Victim Point of view: (i.e., “This JOB is KILLING ME!”) to a more Fountain of Youth point of view of: “Value CREATION”: (i.e., “Hey things CAN be CHANGED for the BETTER! This is FUN! Now, HOW can we make things EVEN BETTER!???”). Anyway, those were my Realizations here at Level Two.

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One Response to “Level Two Realizations”
  1. Kathleen Thompson says:

    Dear Mentor Bill and Mark Hamilton: I have been putting Mark’s teaching to use. There is a method to the madness or new thinking. I am breaking out of my mental stagnation and the ideas and creativity are flowing. I do have alot to offer and I am finding I do have unused talent, that I fogot I had. I would like to share my talents and gifts to your organization and society in general but I still don’t have a clear picture of “Who you are?” I am a good student and a quick study. I learn quickly. But I get mixed signals when I watched some of the society’s videos attached to Mark’s video he sent me. My gut feeling and conclusions are that the main core of “The Society” is strongly atheist and anti-bible. I am impressed with the value producers I have interacted with so far. The Friday tele-conferences are excellent. You are, and seem to be, a highly moral group of people. You are a group of high level, high character people who are truly geniouses at what you do. Patricia is a gem and a great light. Aeon is also quite intelligent and unique. I really appreciated hearing Dr.Jason Tripp. I have been in close contact with the chiropractic field, done quite of bit of research in that area. The acupuncture field is also a good preventive health field. I am a strong pro-creationist and a strong bible supporter/scholar. I am not sure how I could fit in because of my views. I am like Aeon and I don’t believe in forcing my views on anyone for our beliefs are sacred and must be learned alone when on our path of life. One must study and learn for oneself. Our heart, our journey, our freedoms are our God-given right. We are a country that started out believing in the freedom of choice. Hopefully we will in the future still have the right to choose what we believe and how we live our life. But future thinking shows that probably only what we have in our minds will be what we can call our own. All my beliefs have come from life, and studying, and trial and error, and introspection, and putting the puzzle pieces together. When you do snap or tie it all together you do see a map for the future. You take the past and connect it with the present and the future picture becomes quite clear. Project Sustain Life is an awesome project. I am still having trouble with seeing your vision for Project Life and Project Resurrection. My hope is in Jesus for my resurrection. God’s spirit, coupled with my human spirit, is my hope for eternal life. The groundwork for the “Kingdom of God” or “Family of God” is being worked out now in many of our lives. Using our talents, learning to rule ourselves, practiciing to be”Gods”is all part of God’s master plan. We’re to have hearts of flesh and be teachable and strive for good as “God” is good. Our journey is to learn and never stop learning. Tho, not perfect now as mortals, we should always be striving for perfection in our lives. I do believe no man is an island. The lessons man is learning below show us we need to depend on one another and be interdependent and yet still be unique as our independent free spirits. To survive the coming trying days we do have to learn to work and get along together as groups. Coehesive/peaceful groups and communities as life is evolving in that direction after we get over this bump in history. I have potential as a group organizer, group motivator, teacher, trainer, etc. I want to share my gifts, but I have to believe in the group I sponsor. Time/life is short,and, we have to be choosey in the projects we take on. I have many ideas for helping your group. I may have some pieces of the big super puzzle that you all are working on/ that humanity is working on. “Project Bring Jesus Back” is ever on my mind. WE NEED HIM, tho many may not see it that way. We are in an anti-civilization. This world at this time is not the world God intended it to be when he created it. But, the cause for this is a whole ‘nother story. After we learn the hard lessons of sin and its results, than are minds will be ready for God, Jesus, and the world tomorrow. We will then appreciate all the good and beauty and endless possibities to come including earth rulership and later planet rulership. I don’t mean to be preachy or influence you with my views. I just wanted to let you know where my mind is at and what I’m thinking. I am a future thinking person and I am looking for a worthwhile cause to be a part of. My mind is open and I’m looking at all possibilities. Kathy Thompson

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