Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level 2, OCTOBER 16, 2016

October 17, 2016 by Janet  
Filed under Integrations

After reading information on 10 Second Miracles, I reaIzed I have not
Perform one Since the end of 2013.. When I contacted a friend. from my past,I started to slowly regain my
strength and determation to fiind more about my family gifts. Currenntlly orchestring 10. second miracle at work and famiily… My number ONE rule, only nice thoughts must be processed. More to follow before end of month..

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One Response to “Level 2, OCTOBER 16, 2016”
  1. Janet G says:

    Been very busy since October. Been helping my youngest move his family closer to where I live. Now only working one day a week, if my managers need me. It is a cut in meeting people, but my son has confided something to me he cannot tell his wife that is work related. M-F I take his children to school & pick them up. He leaves for work at 1600 hrs. He works 12 hrs. His wife gets home between 1800-1900 hrs. I do not mind. Very slowly she will inquire about what I am studying. Occasionally I leave a book in my son presence, knowing he will read. The children are 6,8,13 years. This is the first time. They have asked for my help, knowing my views on her church preaching. Sundays I leave for Neo Think.. I have offered them them number to call if they want want to listen to an Inspiration gathering, not a sermon. This 10 second miracle will be worth the will power.

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