Monday, March 10, 2025

Level 2 Meeting

November 26, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I was thinking as Mark was speaking about working in my yard & discovering “accidentally” or through circumstances more efficient ways to do the work. This might sound simple but this is my experience:

1. I was moving a lot of fronds (dead palm branches) & cut pieces of areca palms (which were heavy) from one corner area of my property to another. Someone suggested I leave it in that corner (further from my gate) & let whoever will haul it away just back up to that area. It hit me that instead of the wear & tear on my 53 y.o. body just consolidate it in that corner (saves both TIME & MY BODY).

2. Outside my fence I have bush-type palms. After trimming them I was trying to get them into the other corner for someone to haul away later. I was trying to finish up because I ran out of time (had to refocus on finishing Thanksgiving cooking)…I put the trimmings in four (4) piles. It is not only more pleasing my my/others eyes (aesthetic appearance or in MH’s restaurant story curb appeal) until I can finish the job but it is easier to move it from the ground to the corner (inside the fence) for later disposal-EFFICIENCY.

It is only my yard work BUT I discovered a BETTER (more efficient) way of preparing the cuttings for later disposal.

Were this a business instead of my home it would increase PRODUCTIVITY and save wear/tear on the LABOR (making them happier and more motivated workers because I was caring for their needs).

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One Response to “Level 2 Meeting”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    I see that you have figure out the ten second miricle and how to utilize them, i forsee a great future for you in the society, keep up your great work and continue your secret meeting iof you have any further question please fell free to contact me at
    you Have a Beautiful Day

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