level 2 meeeting
April 15, 2014 by tdomf_55091
Filed under Integrations
I read the TSM material assigned by Mark. I just seems to roll around in my head and I try to do integrated think. Recently, during a visit to return some merchandise to a large dept store. I stood at the register return the stuff and started looking around the store. I though about the huge inventory control all the stores in shopping centers have. As I gazed at some products aroound me, a puzzle picture of a solution to the inventory control appeared in my mind. I had analyzed some IT technology several years earlyer for a client. The approch was not appropiate for the client and we did not use it. All of the sudden, my brain felt like something was entering it. When I left the store I had a clear picture of a solution.
Another comment, I wake up in the middle of the night and start integrating infgormation. This has happen to me several times.