Monday, March 10, 2025

Level 2 Intg.

November 9, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

The level 2 lesson was much appreciated for the fact that it answered questions I had regarding the FNE and 10 Sec Miracles. I was able to gain a good deal of insight from Mr. hamilton in regards to finding/discovering my FNE but what was even more appealing to me was the discovery on how to make the 10 sec miracles come about by looking through the eyes of numbers. It makes sense. Looking at things/situations from a perdspective of numbers gives an electrical charge of energy and opens up a new vortex of thought (at least for me). So far I’m on board with the society…

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 2 Intg.”
  1. Steven Foerster says:

    I’m a bit concerned. I do understand the concepts which I have read as well as the structured extra gains from the levels .I have no doubt that I will make short work of utilizing the 10 second miracle and even am confident that down streaming is definitely a major key to attaining this. What is concerning me is 2-fold the first is that I’m recovering body and mind , and that my Friday night essence seems to overlap into almost every field except amazingly enough politics. Not that I would not be a great assistance , as I am a natural innovator. And as the child of teachers ,teaching others comes natural, but I am interested most in science and the arts ,with degrees in Technology both electronic engineering and automated manufacturing. it will come to me but i must get past this stage from the several lost years of not working into a positive-gain work force with growth potential . I also must find Love,(including inside myself)although I emanate the essence of love,and if anything, love is my greatest Friday Night Essence but my innovative idea runs a very close second. I must recover again and even surpass what I was to BE what I was meant to be, while fighting pain. Perhaps by systematically rebuilding all of my cores from my physical body’s core of strength, and my minds expression ,the clarity of mind and the tranquility of spirit and build an empire structure for my dependents, so they never want for anything , at some point, my thinking 8 years after multiple rollover , followed recently by a rear ending that sent me back into pain after tremendous healing results. But my mind in many ways surpasses where it was, with proper medication. It is however as if I can access ideal-isms ,ideas,concepts and notions based on common denominators and common sense so I am practically building puzzles again, but I need to assume any entry level position in a related field , get to a self supporting stage (financial), and absorb the atmosphere. But I welcome the support and help which at least will leave a legacy to my daughter and my soul-mate(s). My mind always worked way too fast it is almost as if now it has slowed to a process-able speed. I look forward to meeting the society as we positively create changes .

  2. Steven Foerster says:

    i invite intercession on my behalf as well as meeting any and all Neothink members.
    I also truly hope that I can share both productively and creatively . In respect to Level 2 meeting, and in respect to numbers , I will return as often as I can on my journey, hoping each time I do I absorb a bit more or can view it from a different Point of View (POV). Even if I am behind on some areas I will move ahead in others. Be or great cheer my friends a great world is within our grasps.

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