Friday, March 14, 2025

level 2 intergrations

August 16, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

hi mr: Hamilton, I have 3 question my first is WHAT IS NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS ? ,WHAT IS THE EYES OF NUMBER ?and last is HOW NUMBER PUT YOUR MIND ALWAY ?…. I visualizes the thinking puzzle for 4 or 5 second only my problems is trying of hounding for more time the visualization.and how can i think in number.thank you Diogenes

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2 Responses to “level 2 intergrations”
  1. David Kapitz says:

    Over the last month my life has been a hurricane of power-thinking. As if I had a premonition, immediately before I watched the level 02 video I drew out my own personal budget. Up to that point I had just been piling cash mostly into one account and that caused me to overspend. I just saw that I had enough money and would buy whatever I felt like without any real direction. This caused a rut so my account only grew by a very small amount. I was looking at being in debt for a long, long time.

    I decided to put the extra cash I earned into an account that will just be used (at this point) to pile up and pay off debts. After I pay one bill off, I will have even more cash left over to put toward the next. My plan will, over time, MAXIMIZE the wages I make now. I will use this time I’m given to stay on my mini-days to work on my FNE, where I’ll be a true value creator!

    (on a side note – – the typing sound effect on these videos isn’t fooling anybody.)

  2. Meta says:

    Diogenes. Seems like you have questions. and they are good ones please call Member Services they can help you find the answer. Meta

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