Saturday, March 15, 2025

Level 2 Integrations

February 3, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

My integrations for Level 2… I seem to perpetually live Friday-Night Essences and have sudden value-creating insights…

Explorations of Neothink Internet Sites validate as accurate my choice to suck up the responsibilities to create an interactive Ideal Developers Educare System to implement an Ideal Survive and Thrive System… Although must admit that throughout the researching and developing, I kept hoping somebody more skilled at communication and technologies, would also clearly see how to end irrationality and inspire value-creators to work together to create a fully integrated sustainable healthy civilization… Long story shortened, so far it’s a Little Red Hen situation… “Sounds like a great idea, let me know when get it created and I will come enjoy the feast.” … I finally sucked up the responsibilities to learn the tech side of Internet conferencing and creating Internet domains… Now with the framework sufficiently functional can place core dynamics onto interactive Joomla CMS domains for each community to use in creating ideal conditions… Soon can begin Internet Conferences and Local Meetups to facilitate Ideal Educaring and Applications…

The community sub-domains branch from … The IN Directory will focus on collecting information for growing an integrated civilization within the anti-civilization; that functions like a pebble thrown into a lake… The ripples spreading outward from core values in the Prime Law and NeoThink integratedly push away anti-civilization in the forward moving wakes… We all know the power of water from experiences with floods, tidal waves, and tsunamis…

If WE do NOT take prompt actions to wisely control stream-flows that gain liberation from anti-civilization, then there will be massive destruction as the powerful waves of terrocrat irrationality crash in on us !!!! … Slaves who get a sudden sense of true liberty’s essence, always eventually stand up to Slave Masters and do whatever is required to be free!

Fortunately some of us comprehend how easily small trimtabs guide the largest ship, thus by each of us doing some wise Prime Law guiding we can safely arrive at our desired destination.

The next sub-domain to launch creates the process to connect and network serious conscious value creators. Together our integrated thinking will guide actions required to Terra Forma an Ideal Cyberspace and create physical Ideal Lifestyles, Homes, Integrated Commerce, and Communities Of Excellence around the planet…

Currently I’m running the numbers to decide what to name the IN sub-domain to function as a trim-tab and unifier… There seems to be 2 viable groups of people who grasp some of what TRUE liberty is, so I began with considering whether or not to create TWO separate sub-domains: and … BUT SEEMS these would continue causing MORE division-of-essence instead of unity of diversity that value-creatively powers our essences !!! … Might be wise to create a more generic integrating term… but this would require “educating” about meaning of THAT NEW term… Considered for the sub-domains’ name, as must stay conscious that these sub-domains would have the purpose to steer safely and UNIFY to perpetuate and accelerate the ripples of fully integrated honesty, liberty, responsibility to use ideal agora co-opitalism and ecolonomics that empower value-creations to set safe course, and direct streams outward creating fully integrated value creating civilization. The wakes will peacefully push away the life-health-prosperity-happiness-destroying anti-civilization…. How about naming the sub-domain ???? …. Suggestions welcome…

This mini-day is finished so enough cogitating and rambling for now…

Cheers from Darlene Sartore in southern Indiana

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