Sunday, March 9, 2025

Level 2 integrations

February 6, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Mr. Hamilton, I want to thank you for everything, for the Heirloom Package, the secret meetings, the twelve visions party, and much more. I live and walk a new path in life thanks to all your teachings.
I have experienced what I believe will be my most important ten second miracle. I understood that anything and everything that I have or do not have and has happened to me in my life time whether it is good or bad, I have brought it upon myself. I have attracted everything in my life because of my thoughts. Mysticism was a big part of my life which means I was blaming outside influences for my circumstances. Then after a few years of reading and study, It all came down to a few words ” we are who we think we are ” and the Heirloom Package solidified my thoughts. Yes, I am who I think I am. I am in control of my life. I kicked mysticism out of my life and outside influences no longer control me because I know that I am 100% responsible for everything in my life. So, since I will always attract whatever thoughts come from my mind, thoughts that do “not” contain worry, fear, limitations, religion, or belief in politicians but instead are free from all of that, then I will attract thoughts that will enrich my life, thoughts that will help me be the creator of my own destiny and the creator of my own experience.
My ten second miracle is “The moment when I understood that I now take 100% responsibility for everything in my life”.
Thank you,
Jose Cuevas

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One Response to “Level 2 integrations”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    way to go Jose, most people go thur there whole life’s and never figure out there 10 second miricle, and you have al ready done that my good friend, keep up the great work, and you have a beautiful day. and if would like to you may contact me at

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