Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Level 2 Integration

May 12, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Mark, I can’t begin to express all the excitement that gets stirred up in me since you contacted me about the Neothink Society. I was in a very dark place after just losing 3 members of my family, one of them being my dear husband. Something inside me told me there was something to the letters I received, even though I couldn’t right at that time wrap my head around the heirlooms I was receiving. Finally something urged me to pick them up and start reading. They didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me at first, but I kept on reading. It wasn’t until I read “The Miss Annabelle’s Secrets” that I knew what had been drawing me to the heirlooms. When I read that book, something inside changed. It hit me so hard (I was standing outside at night contemplating what I had just read) and I literally turned around to see who had just shoved me. There was no one there! I realized at that moment I was dealing with some very powerful stuff here and I wanted more. From that point on I haven’t been able to get enough of Neothink. I think at that point I suddenly realized what my purpose was and where I wanted to go. I want to live in the C of U, and that has been my mission ever since. I went back and started reading the first 2 heirlooms and now they were making more sense to me. Ever since I discovered my FNE, I have seen myself in the C of U and I relate to Sally. Science is what I have always loved. I didn’t know how I would apply it to my life until I read Miss Annabelle. I have always dreamed of working in a forensic lab and am now started back to school to accomplish that very thing. I have also become involved in moving the TVP forward in Illinois, because I am determined to help make the C of U a reality. I can no longer see myself living in this anti-civilization where death seems to be lurking around every corner. I don’t work right now so I am not able to apply the Ten-Second-Miracle to a business as of yet, so I’m trying to see where else in my life I can apply it. I do however, see things in every day living that are not at all like I used to look at things and am so grateful every day for this wonderful opportunity you brought into my life with Neothink. Thank You! Orpha

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One Response to “Level 2 Integration”
  1. Linda Hofbauer says:

    Hello Orpha,
    I apply the 10 Second Miracle in ALL areas of my life. Every chance to improve my situation, cause my life to move smother,solve seemingly mundane
    problems,becoming more efficient in my daily existence. In short-I mini-day my life. Things run almost effortlessly even when by all accounts it should be miserable. At the height of my sadness,(my mom’s death),by using my mini-day schedule,against all odds, I am succeeding where most people figured I’d lose or give up altogether.
    I hope this helps you

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