Thursday, March 13, 2025

level 2

January 18, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark and Company, thank you for the direction, once again. I must say, I wish we had met so many years ago. I have been immersed in my FNE for thirty years or more. Just didnt know it, I guess. Due to conventional thinking, upbringing, and mystisizm, its hard to realize what I and so many have missed. I have been applying the Ten Second Miracle at work every week, since I read my hierloom books. Maybe I always have. Its almost shocking how simple it is. I now feel, others (cheaters) have made great advances by my Integrations. Does’nt bother me. Now my heels are smokin’. Seems almost natural now. I am advancing weekly now with little effort in a company preparing to go Public real soon. What Im getting at, is, I would still be stuck in that rut, had I not joined forces with all of you. I still ponder each day over how and why you contacted me in the first place. I hope all your trainees break the ice soon and come over to the other side. Thank you, keep bringin’ it. Bill Sharp

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