Tuesday, March 11, 2025

level 2

November 30, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I just completed the level 2 meeting. With my FNE and the 10 second miracle I will never be the same.I am focus on the numbers in my routine rut and with my small business .

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One Response to “level 2”
  1. kathleen Thompson says:

    Dear Mentors Bill and Mark Hamilton: The biological formula for Project Life is also spelled out in the Miss Annabelle story, correct?? That formula is probably the most ambitionus and independent project every attempted by man, including Project Ressurection. That formula is so ambitious, it indepently leaves out of the equation The Great Creator God and Jesus Himself. Aren’t you afraid you will wake up The Sleeping Giant?? Look to the lessons and story of “The Tower of Babel”. Look to the lessons of history to the building of Titanic which its creators called unsinkable. What about “Project Bring Jesus Back”??!! Jesus hold Eternal Life in the palm of His hand and brings it with Him when He returns to planet earth. In some ways aren’t you “Putting the cart before the Horse”?? God’s Master Plan is to create Sons In His God Family. But, everything in its or (His) order!! Earth is the satellite or stepping stone for bigger and greater things ahead like planetary rule, etc. The evil of this world and its Author, Satan, Himself must be addressed. This earth must be cleaned up and renovated and restored to its original beautiful, created state. The cities of tomorrow will look alot different. They will be beautiful, much like Mark depicts in the Miss Annabelle story. Don’t get me wrong. Practicing “To be God” is a good thing, it prepares us for our future role as master creators, future rulers of cities, and later rulers of our own planets. Truth be told, Project Life and Project Rssurection have me a little scared. Project Sustain Life is awesome and extremely necessary at this time. But, the other two projects are so independent, they don’t include Our Great God and Father and Jesus Himself. I believe the projects,tho, undeniably the most creative and ambitious in history, are premature. I think God’s Master includes our(Us) creating Life and Planets and many future projects too numerous to mention. I think His ultimate goal is for us to be ultra independent, but, Everything In Its Own Order. As, Mark, teaches, we must take baby steps and have patience!! God is working out a plan below. Trust God and Have Faith!! I’m all for research. To create Life, today, at this time, for everyone will cost billions of dollars. I know many find it hard to believe that Jesus and God indeed have the power and desire to bring back our loved ones. They desire to give,freely,(free at no cost)Eternal Life. They want that all may live and live life abundantly and that No One Man Shall Perish. Kathy Thompson

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