Tuesday, February 25, 2025

level 2

December 10, 2009 by adm-nt  
Filed under Integrations

I will say it is nice to have people who think like me. The thing is that I am a big picture thinker . and All my life I have been my father And mother both brought me up that way . I had 2 learning disablites and my teacher in 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th grade miss godshock.
Had her hands full she told me to look close at what was happening around me that the words spoken were not all the truth . later on my father and mother told me to look at a persons actions to see if he speaks as he acts. they told me that if he states one thing and does another then he is not worth the breath that he takes . I have seen many people who are not worth the air they breath . I will say that I have seen some that are worth more than there weight in gold. Those are the ones that have been kicked to the ground by big buss. and the gov. I must state that my mother is a minister. And that i have been around the world with the army. And have My own ideas about god. and what he wants They are much closer to the neo tec society than most churches,
I see that jesus did not like the gov. church leaders or the rich. and none have gotten any better many are not after what they say to save your soul they are out to take your money.
The thing is they are good only because people don’t know that the true theives hide in plane site. not in the cover of dark. I will also say that this is moving slow for me . I go to work every day as the owner of the buss. I work in cust serv. but I work like I own That is How we should all work . I will say that many times managers don’t like it because you make them look bad. I have managed stores and I like my workers to know what to do and not to be told what to do , I used to tell my employees that I did not want them to come to me with the problem but with the solution , that way I know they are thinking , even if it can’t be used it is a start. there are 10 people out there that are now managers that i put in place they came in at the entree level move to sup. asst. mang. and then got there own manager post. in many diffrent industries..

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