May 27, 2010 by tdomf_55091
Filed under Integrations
i realy went out on the limb with service because i wanted to stay in an go to officers school for chaplin as i was working with chaplin ever week end and teaching which i loved but no colledge no job my health had failed already as i watched pronouce me died one evening at the age of 18 from a bad lung proble from the crash in 1947 but that passed and so did the thought of death no big thing i always wanted to know on ever job i did what made it work dollars i never worried because i did my work the money was there little or big i learned and i am proud to say i left it a more properous place now a few house painter after many service station jobs wouldnt fix a car but would always test drive and tell mechinc what was wrong service was always a big for me house or handyman along with cleaning not good with the lung love working for hertz rent a car as phone rep awesome talked to people all over the states one the longest employee there almost 3 years sent me packing because of the lung problem by then diagnosed as saricoid cause by some form chemical therefor possible cancer lol what they know scpriture says heal thy self that mean to me if you done something wrong in what you ate or took care of yourself surgery or the like take to them and let them fix it then another was a resident training staff and superivesor for the mently handicapped for a few years found out about my lung which was virtual suside to work there with such a problem but i learned a lot about meds and health and teaching i loved it beautiful people there was also a county deputy that handled most animal control interesting observed the law being broke found the owner counseled with the family still a problem wrote ticket filed the ticket notified and set court date then tried the case education opps well all was a willing to learn after all i was rep. the county in the case highlight of time bringing my county judge up on charges and he was charged some 900 dollars fine and 30 days all but 3 suspended that was my bud from then on lol whew plus i acted as liasion between the county commisioner and womens rights groups keeping him out of trouble with them lol that was fun then reconized on national tv news for getting the right woman for the first woman deputy hired in the county history a little scary didnt watch news for a few day lol i got a hug and a kiss and we were in uniform and no funny business just happy and i was married lol in yet another state county tax assor at the previous county also was offer sheriffs job turned it down started delivery in a small town la. of a weekly paper for mainly gas money as i was working for myself in delivery of two other papers one of which i sold advertising for in about 100 mile radius and worked my own pictures and adds because distance anyway the other job steped up duties each week as i visited with the new owner of a very old newspaper so everthing was pretty much the old way but i moved into taking photo and developing for them then proofing and setting them for the printer which was delivered to a larger paper by me to them then i pickthem up then prepared the addressing for the post office then delivered and then all the boxs then the next week moved into cut and paste in other words putting the paper together hey learn as ya go ya know then the next week general office mangement and s ecureing adds to cover what we needed to print then he says oh well all is well all i want is to write the rest is your just get it done fun fun but then a rehire of a very dishonest person came in the picture under me and i said wont work first few days money was already missing lol of course the job mentioned a few days before this on level one a very small amount of the jobs i have had though all that i also though 4 differant companys i learned all areas of magazine disturbution an impossible fete unless you neothink i think mark you would call that keep them down by special dept. and this all you do but each time i switched to a new company i said i worked some in the new dept. and realy liked it better a little less then honest but it worked for after a few companys i got in over all the back part of the warehouse and was training the front manager who making almost twice what i was lol not a very good company they folded taxes and double books but though it all i never took a job as a job i wanted like you said a better way so i always was observing what was around me some schooling attended always wanted a cooking class but only got a good start on hotel and rest. mangement my first attempt at college was an agri. teacher i forced them to change there rules about testing to enter and they agreed i had a point i got my ged i was a 11 grade drop out and been out about 10 years been thourgh realestate school large appliance repair college again some for art wanted photography but couldnt get in full at that time emt training fell a couple of weeks short on it lack funds from the county many others for the jobs i was on i love to learn so much out there is this close to what you are saying because i have an apt complex idea that would be a great service to the members and source of income as well as a way of life and right now i am setting on info. that is put together like you suggest known only to me the complete story that would make a very good club loction and info could put it at a very good price just a thought this why i am where i am now no money i missed a step somewhere along the way lol yes i am familar with everthing i have read thus far about half the first and the level one assingment and none of the third and i have read all of N pax