Monday, March 10, 2025

Integrations from Teleseminars

December 19, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

During the Teleseminar on November 28 the topic of inflation came up. My views on inflation is that better products should drive the price of the product down, therefore the cost of labor can remain the same. The speaker example was 2×4 piece of wood to build a house 20 years ago cost $5 that same piece of wood cost $15 today because the chain saw went up in price and the cost of labor to get the wood went up. I believe price should only go up if the demand is much higher than the supply. The chain saw price should not go up, if the material to make it is in ample supply. Plus the design of the chain saw should get better over the years making the cost to acquire the 2×4 piece of wood cheaper and easier.

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One Response to “Integrations from Teleseminars”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi Letha

    you are asboutly right however the ruling clas has keep the better product out of our hands and has driven the cost up so the can make a profit, as soon as all the regulation are gone our prices will go down, the product will be better because of the garage inventors not be bound by restricitons, as is the case today

    You have a Beautiful day

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