Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Integrated thinking scares people

August 2, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I have been an integrated thinker all my life but was sure what to call it. And it scares people when you share common sense Idea that might eliminate there job and they have been there for 20 yrs. I am now unemployed because the plant I work at was on the chopping block of a big corperation. It was a printing plant and from the time I strated there I was shut down from any advancement because I was a thinker and a intavator of ideas and this was a dying industry. Most of the guys there were 20+ guys and if you made a suggestion they would go to the computer and print up a paper that said this is how you have to do the job. But I made my job easier and more productive and they didn’t like that so I got black balled from any advancement.
Until I got on a crew with another integrated thinker and wow did we have a crew number one in the building for 2 years straight our numbers were awesome. But when we shared our ideas with management they wouldn’t do any of it and the crew boss seen the writng on the wall and he quit and started his own bussiness we all seen the company falling apart because of lazy unthinking upper level jerks
I even picked up a couple of printed copies of books that followed our format and we could have printed but hey just told me someone else has that contract and I told them well take it away but they were to lazy to even look into it. So our plant is closed now do to, Nonsequiters and there inability to do there jobs.

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