Thursday, March 6, 2025

In the zone

March 15, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Thanks Mark for another great lesson. Playing at life has been a big part of most of my life. Now knowing what the T.S.M. is I can see why N.T. members are becoming so successful, we just think differently. Thank you for taking the time to help us integrate reality in the way we were meant to. Since beginning this journey the possibilities for being all that I can be have seemed to grow without an end in sight. I’ve always thought I would change the world for the better, now I know I will! Some Questions; Is it “normal” that ever since I was a child I’ve been able to remember most of all my dreams and would dream just about every night, the older I got if the dream wasn’t going in a positive direction, I was aware of that I was in a dream and could change the outcome? Shortly after reading the first heirloom, a lot of my dreams have to do with being in a classroom and we’re definitely learning things that are not taught in mainstream schools. I’ve been very enlightened by these classes and wandered if these dreams were just reflection dreams or if this is also part of the Mentoring program? I don’t want to come off as being Mystical as I’m working on that but I’ve been “listening” to my “dreams” for quite awhile and they have helped me put a lot of puzzle pieces together in my life. Thanks Mark and Bill if you can spread some light on my question, it’s not easy letting someone know what you’re thinking about but I guess that’s why I’m the apprentice;)! TVP ROCKs

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One Response to “In the zone”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    hmmm a very good question larry as mark stated when he sent you his first letter he stated that you have some unique traits, and I believe that seeing and followings your dreams may be one of these traits, and as mark has stated we all have many good traits, I would suggest that you continue to follow your dreams, and i am sure that they will take you excatually where you choose them to take you. but as a self leadered you will need to make that decision. always remeber you are responsible for all your actions. if you have any further question please feel free to E-mail Me at you have a Beautiful day.

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