Tuesday, March 4, 2025

important topic

May 27, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

this may take hours to get though becuase i am being erased quicker then i can write lol i aaccept it is my nature to create and now my passion that aside please put this to the think tank if it deems it so we need to get totaly in involved with this oil our leader says he is in charge but dont know what to do well to me it is simple stop the oil from harming the shore let the people loose under the supervision of the army core not unlike the 30 the people could use the money and would protect i am sure and when i say people i mean familys whatever it takes as for the oil itself we have telemarketers computor banks polling booths get a computor generated short survey with number questions and a brief answer area then run these tru the computor and get this to the oil workers to fill out could be a big plus for us as well to show we are here for the universe not the greed of man maybe

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