I never relized!
August 13, 2010 by tdomf_55091
Filed under Integrations
After the level meeting 2. I suddenly relized that I do think differently than everyone else. I have had the ten min.miracles all my life. I just did not know that was what they were. These have been happing all my life. I had a hard time understanding why no one else had not used their own brain to figure thing out. Well it is that my mind works more intergrated than theirs. I am now goining to try to advance them in new ways to help my family and everyone else. wish me luck. And the disc set Your wish is your command is awesome and realy opens your mind the more you listen to them the more your mind picks up.Well worth the price. Thanks for opening my mind.
Hi sherry
I’m really glad that you have acheived your 10 second miricle many members never realize their 10 second miricle, but you did and i know that really makes you fill happy in your life. remeber push forward at your own pace or a pace that makes you satfied about the decision in your life. if you have anymore question or would like to just chat please feel free to E-mail me at mesabill1@cox.net
You have a Beautiful Day