Friday, February 28, 2025

I have to thank you Mark Hamilton

May 3, 2010 by Member  
Filed under Integrations

Once again I have to thank you Mark Hamilton. Your words have opened my eyes to what I was missing in changing my life not only in my mind, but in the perceived world outside of my mind. I believe I now have a greater piece of the super-puzzle that will begin my gradual self-training into becoming something far beyond any of my prior expectations. When I was a child I remember colorfully how my mind was working at the time, I remember the way I thought and the way that everything and everyone appeared before me as if it happened yesterday. I was a little scientist with a flair for philosophy and psychology. My mind hadn’t quite developed to the point where I knew what I was doing, I was simply doing these things that seemed natural to me. Before I knew it, I was discovering things that adults were discovering much later on in life. I was seeing things not only for what they were, but for what they had the potential to be and how they could come about it. I was already thinking in the Neothink way when I was an infant, toddler, than to pre-adolescence. I believe at some point the over-burdening of my tasks, ie. moving from house to house with my mother and sister cause we couldn’t afford rent, I didn’t have a stable family structure because my father had left my mother and we were than more over-burdened. And finally, when we had reached our limit we moved way out into a very rural country-side house that my mother could afford at the time. My mother, my sister, and myself were left with the stagnation of limitation, exiled exposure to friends and family and over-burdened tasks that seemed impossible at the time because of the other necessities not being accomplished. I’ve read in numerous articles how the pre-historic humans didn’t develop beyond their reactive mind-set until the stresses of living were overcome and there was time to sit and think. It was because of this program I have discovered exactly how I have become what I am now, and how I can overcome my own self-imposed burdens, simply by seeing all the essences of my life’s necessities to empower myself to move far beyond the mundane and menial tasks of these necessities to the tasks that will bring about my next shift in life. My new life bound to perpetual self-improvement. Because I have been raised isolated with my mother and her boyfriends, my mentality and procedures shifted toward destructive ends and I have discovered that in a dictionary, the word narcissist or narcissism matches not only my mindset that even I have overlooked, but also matches my procedures to accomplish necessities and why I am so far detached from accepting them for what they really are. So, I’ve ordered a book for some more information regarding the conditions for this mindset to discover the aspect that closely match my own and through this research I’ll be able to surpass what I currently am in mind and body. This is I suppose what you would consider a 10-second-miracle? Now the super-puzzle, consisting of more than mere speculation of guess-work, my eyes have opened to what I was really missing out on. Life, everything that makes life wonderful and worth living. It’s all around me and I simply took it for granted being over-burdened with very easy mundane tasks that needed only a little touch of mini-day procedures to ease my mind a bit more. Think of it like pennies in a jar, every necessity is a penny and the burden of it’s dis-jointed procedure is it’s weight. Think of how many pennies add up over time, think of how heavy those pennies really are when not taken care of efficiently and experiencing life at the same time. Now, think of how someone feels when these burdens all come together to form their 10-second-curse, the curse of depression. With all these aspects of living now at my fingertips and right in front of me at this time, everything that has brought me here has made me who I am, I am now to take who I am and form it into who I am now to become. I will become the me who I was meant to be. The next step is to power-think the tasks required through my Friday-Night-Essence. I look forward to hearing from you again in the next secret meeting. Thank you again, Mark Hamilton

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