Sunday, March 9, 2025


August 16, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I am a very complex individual and always have been; Wide scope accounting is my essence,I’ve always seen the big picture in all situations pertaining to profitability in all situations with ease as if it was natural;my mind just worked that way;If it were not for all the dishonesty and envy in this anti civilization that I was unable to overcome in my youth,(minor)-I’d be very wealthy;I’m persistent as always;helping others is not easy;but you do help yourself by helping others.
My business teacher is so close to the character of Ms.Annabelle that it is as if that is who the character portrayed is in actuality;My 10 second miracles have been prospering businesses for others; making others wealthy for awhile,since their point of inception within my mind while still a youth;Guess it’s my turn to eat!I just been so busy helping those that everybody else gave up on,doing what was said couldn’t be done time and time again;I shall continue to do the impossible,for it is my nature;if everyday is Friday per say,then I shall continue to play each and every day until I obtain Bin Ladin type pay;So to say-C of U is today!!!..l..emphasis on (one)is the only way-United we stand divided we fall.For the people by the not suppression.destination rise.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Honesty”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi Joseph

    my name is bill and I will be your senior mentor for the future meeting with Mark i’m sure with your intergating you will enjoy mark’s next meeting and all his future meetings. and you are so right we must all be united as neothinkers. Also have you been to the TVP site, and if you have then you are one step ahead of your peers. if you have not been there then you need to go and pay espicial attention to the platform, and read the prime law. if you have any question please feel free to e-mail me at

    you Have a Beautiful day

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