Tuesday, March 4, 2025


June 1, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

that would be a real good one for me considering everthing about my life as i knew it was a lie i now know but the irony of it all was because my real folks was did and are the government i guess you would use the term for the good of the country then i come along and i bought in to honesty early on taught by the ones who part at least were my folks one i had the experience of being in my grandmothers house with my invalid step grandfather from a stroke pretty much left him child like and now many years later those two people are know to be my real mother and my real grandfather on dads side his pet name and only he called me honest abe well grandmother and i got into a very serious lie she had told and she said it was to protect someone and it was ok in book as i told her a lie was a lie and that i could not agree with her going back on what i was tought by her well grandfather chimed in way to go honest abe now helen you get out that one well she refused to let me leave until i recanted my story so i wresled her away from the door and left with her tell me i would never be welcome there again until i did so it was and i returned a few months later because step grandfather wanted me there and it was not brought up again and i still hold to my story she was wrong dishonesty will never be right even if the one who taught you it wrong in the first place and then decided to change when needed there is no mister gray here even though that could be the name on last name on my brith certifcate lol that could be a fact no documents for that

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