Thursday, March 6, 2025


April 8, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I just moved with a friend he let me rent out one of his bed room’s their’a nother person named Ron live’s here also.i think he’s a mason i have never been one he does something with his cell phone and it feel’s like steel spikes sticking in my head i thout being a member this would not happing to me can i get some help or some feed back it’s driving me crazy

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “HELP !”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Jerome remeber you are in control of your qwn life, and as a self leader you are responsible for every thing that happen’s in you life, so take charge of your life, contine to read and understand all of marks literature. and remeber the ten second miricle which you all ready should have found after lesson 1, you have a beautiful day

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