Saturday, March 15, 2025

great meeting

May 6, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I think I will get my fne sometime but the ten second miracle really hit home in improving my job and making it easier for everyone.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “great meeting”
  1. William J kyle says:

    David way to go a lot of people never get their ten second mircles, and don’t worry you will very shortly figure out your FNE, if you need any help with either the material or your FNE or want to be an active member then call member services at 1-800-480-2336

  2. Lenore Short says:

    The teaching format truly is like putting puzzle pieces together. While reading my manuscripts and the lessons on the secret meeting website, I have had several AHA!!! moments. Initially I was annoyed by the repetition of certain key points, but later realized that he was utilizing certain “adult education skills” to build upon a foundation, and add building blocks as he progressed along in his teachings. Now I appreciate his teaching format, and can see the puzzle pieces as we progress through this journey. When I was younger, my thoughts were all images and concepts, so this is actually an easy leap for me.
    I got sidetracked in life by my fanatically religious family. I had come to a place where I saw the error of their thinking and approach to life before Neothink discovered me, and helped me find my way back to where I needed to be.
    For which I shall be eternally grateful.
    I am very interested in anti-aging technology and stem-cell research. I think that we can in fact renew ourselves physically as well as mentally and spiritually. I do believe that is out there on the horizon. We just need the freedom to go there. I have been reading the 12 Visions Party Platform. Initially, I thought it was too simplistic. Then I read the US Constitution and realized that the Prime Law Amendment would fit right in. The Career Politicians would fight it, of course. But I am sure that the TVP has thought it through. Anyway, goodnight, and peace be with you. Lenore

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