Sunday, March 9, 2025


August 19, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I try to keep my mind focused on Neothink more and more. After listening again today to the Level II meeting, I am aware of a growing inner strength. I can’t say I’m struggling exactly with manifesting a Ten Second Miracle or narrowing down my FNE. I feel these will become evident-without my losing sight of the fact that a person has to act upon their thoughts to benefit and succeed. Personally I am recovering from some health issues and am guarded about the energy I have (which is at an all time low). The only numbers I deal with on a daily basis are the checks I subtract from my disability check. I have to constantly strive to not be overwhelmed by daily distractions, some bigger than others. I could really use a Ten Second Miracle in arriving at a solution of what to do about my sister, a disaster of mega proportions, who is not my responsibility admittedly. However, someone has to act, and I seem to be the only one who can’t quite ignore it. I, also, sense a restless in me, like something is about to happen. I hope it is a materialization of the Neothink process. When ever I feel at a total loss, I get in touch with feeling love within me.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Focus”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    your fne is somthing that you will have to decide what you really want to do as for you 10 second miricle it will come to you actually reading your comment i believe that you have already experienced one with your relationship towards taking care of your sister. this is what a self leader does and you are on your way to your journey with mark if you have anyquestions please feel free to e_mail at

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