Thursday, March 6, 2025

FNE,TSM,PLAY yourself back to LIFE

July 3, 2014 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

These Tools of integrating your -SELF- into the Synergistic Creators of Value is the only REALISTIC way to go through the steps to reawakening child of the past opening the inquisitive mind seeking to know why is the sky blue , what happens if I add vinegar to baking soda … and then solving for WHY. Our minds begin to go back into that auto- pilot, where we once relating all our experience with similar situations, our (common denominators). This was then and is now a combination of ideas, precepts, concepts, and notions that become the foundation of our research into projects. Successfully completing those projects, fortifies our confidence into competence. In turn this allows us to build our ten second miracles. These TSM lead us to expand our minds and look for the BBD (Bigger Better Deal) something beneficial to others something of value ,,,The down-streaming this idea into manifesting in REALITY through reverse-engineering all the steps it takes to make this idea not “just possible” but into a REALITY.
Each subsequent time we succeed at utilizing a TOOL or a COMBINATION of TOOLS , contributes to the automatic implementation. Without conscious thought your Subconscious begins to create instead of allowing your mind back into STAGNANCY. You must Fight Hard at first not to return to stagnancy , because breaking a pattern of habits and replacing them with valuable creating habits takes conscious effort . our minds have been in a following mode all our lives. Once we break that habit and go into Self-Leader Mode, since the mind cannot tell the difference between a thought and a deed , and also it cannot hold two apposing thoughts at the same time , by exercising Value creating skills successfully over and over the following mode becomes erased, and you are positively programmed to Commit towards the life we are meant to live. In a short time you notice you have returned back into a combination of the self leader of the child of your past with the added benefit of Neo-Thought.
You begin to feel your self full of confidence each time you competently use a TOOL and gain the desired result
In a short-time instead of following your mind begins to lead you into exploring using the common denominators you recognize as similarities and automatically begin visualizing ideas beneficial to man of ways of improving a project or situation . When you manifest a visualization in great detail , then you can trace the steps backwards, visualizing and writing down what immediate steps made the finished idea not just possible but REALISTIC. and Realistic as we know does lead to REAL manifestation. Just as the previous step was performed one step at a time reverse engineer the project to the beginning. do not try to do this in your head at first , write down what you saw , then what it will take to make that stage occur then go back to what made the previous occurrence realistic, look at the details contributing to that stage , what is required and solve for why.
Continue this process to the beginning even to the point of your conception of the idea, and write it down , you will find that when you return to the notes and comments you have written ideas and improvements on how it can be done more efficiently will jump into your mind scribble them down.
While I’m a strong believer in your first thought while in a high energy mode is generally the best , sometimes the subconscious continues to work out your puzzles. This is Value Creation. I will try to find new areas in life unrelated to work or projects and also apply this logic. While we fear change, naturally, the only way to overcome fears is to face them , replace that fear with the elation of success and a chain reaction begins directing you , through Natural Law governed by truth and Honesty , to simplify everything down to its purest essence. Often this leads you realizing areas of purpose from which you can decipher the money making potential.

Having this arsenal of TOOLS gives me great power which if used correctly has tremendous potential not only for me but for mankind as I strive to contribute Value creations in our TWELVE VISION WORLD where as GOD-MEN / children of the past we can lead those who EMBRACE the neo-tech philosophy and create a wealthy healthy America based on our Protection Only Budget (temp) and introduction of the Prime Law into the constitution.
We are very fortunate indeed to be the select visionaries of the future.
Along with this comes a burden of responsibility, one I am more than willing to embrace and pass forward the Love and Sacrifice my Mentors & Family, have to visualize, and institute the steps to Manifest the TVW through TVP and utilizing all our skills and tools to rid the world of deception and depoliticize America.
It will take diligence and conscious effort break my remaining mysticisms and acting to forces of nature. Along with my understanding o the forces of Nature I gain an even more important piece to the Puzzle,
I strive to be the best me I can be therefore I must extract myself from parasites. To do something over and over and expect a different result is insanity . If someone refuses to evolve themselves or take responsible action to embrace positive change and hold onto their negative programming they are not at a stage of evolution congruent with mine.
My goal was and is to implement every TOOL and combination of tools as often as I can downstream my world and construct it utilizing my TSM and the process of reverse engineering and factoring in numbers and common denominators and through integrated thinking toward the most feasible means. This will lead me to value creating . When you add the idea of visualizing either an improvement or a solution to an idea by visualizing the finished result ,add strong emotion (motivation), you can visualize your desire manifesting, and apply the steps to reverse-engineer it step by step into being REAL> dally thinking as you did as a child , inquisitively trying to fill your noggin using every tool you have to build yourself into the Man or Woman that is worthy and attracts worthy soul-mates either on the same path or whom are desiring you. Increasing the ability to view the world around you through numbers while creating a vision of what the improved version of the job or situation you are dealing with forces your mind into an automatically responding mode that seeks the most desirable situation and paints a picture you then work backwards from to make each previous (past) step possible
then you reverse engineer it into manifesting. It is true what they say, ” You must first believe in something then it will come to be.”
If you don’t believe in it ,how can it manifest.
Looking forward to applying numbers and all tools I gain to all areas of my life.
I know some will be difficult but if I don’t take 100% responsibility for succeeding at a project, how can I succeed. I also realize that not everybody shares the same values as I do and some are parasites and not worthy of the Rewards of hard work because they refuse to commit to hard word , forever trapped by their primary ruling force of nature, hustling: defined as “doing as little as possible to obtain as much as possible with the least effort.”
While at first glance this may appear as ideal (which is why so many are trapped into stagnation, instead of exerting genuine effort , brain sweating, for REAL VALUABLE VALID Solution that contribute more than something immediate to satiate the moment but contributes to later integrating the knowledge you gathered into future situations with similar common denominators.
It is when you relax after taking time and gathering information and all details large and small whether you originally think they are important or not that they begin to gel and manifest into your TEN SECOND MIRACLES>
I’ll come back to this lesson again and utilize numbers in all I do but I think it’s time for me to move onto lesson Secret Meeting Three . I determine my FNE to be discovery – Discovery of the best and Totally complete me , I can BE-
Since all my life I have gathered diverse knowledge about nearly everything in the world we live in and the skies above us the universe around us and the physics and science and technology that is increasingly micro-sizing , My FNE a combination of science ,arts , communication , and teaching & Learning (give and take) : so the synergistic essence of this is to be an advisor . This means that I must absorb all the tools and be COMMITED.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for saving my life . I will pass this forward.

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