Saturday, February 22, 2025


March 31, 2023 by Marlon  
Filed under Integrations

I have discovered a FNE that I’ve always had but didn’t realize it was called that. My FNE is making money. As a kid i loved making money, by way of physical labor. Today I aspire to make lots of money. That was one of the reasons I responded. The promise that I’d make lots of money and my wealthy friends would show me how. I’m down for the cause but some of the things that’s being ask of me take finance to bring about. A clubhouse cost money. My home isn’t big enough for any kind of gathering. I grew up in inpoverished social sittings. I talk to the homeless and sometimes feed them. I live in the inner city where crime is high and hope is only hope for some of these lost souls. I have the ability to galvanize people. I’m spending more money than I’m making. When will I start making all the money i was told I’d make? In the state of Missouri a minor political party has to be formed around a candidate. I’m a private person have always been. I don’t have any interest in holding a political office and my past disqualifies me. I’m supportive for anyone that has an interest and will do my part to be instrumental to the TVP. What us new to the journey need is some financial support from our wealthy friends to acquire a place to meet and bring like minded people into the Society. some of them can barely afford to pay their bills; so I don’t foresee anyone neglecting their responsibilities to maintain a household to purchase books. The books are full of wisdom and knowledge as well as good will, however being realistic not everyone can afford them. Had I not been in a position to purchase the books i would not have purchased them. Perhaps those that are fortunate enough to have a clubhouse could have reading classes and discussions. This would enable those whom can not afford the cost of books to learn. I understand that may affect the sale of books, but after all it is about making the bicameral mindsets leap to the CofU. My idea may not be the best idea but it is looking at things from a wider perspective as someone that grew up in poverty and limited financial resources. Mr. Hamilton how are we going to make the poor wealthy if they can’t pay for the manuscripts? does this disqualify them as potential soulmates of the SOS? We need your essence input on this matter.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “FNE &TSM”
  1. Brenda Spaht says:

    Distractions are my problem. I am retired and know what I want to do.I have always thought in numbers. Sometimes that is a problem (Think finances) I am beginning to see that if I have FAith and work at it, what lm thought,was impossible can happen. People seem to want me to borrow.

  2. Brenda Spaht says:

    I have discovered a FNE that I’ve always had but didn’t realize it was called that my FNE is making money. As a child I loved making money, by way of physical labor. That was one of the reasons I responded. That promise that I did make lots.

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